I selected the FP Red which has a flow rating of 950cfm or about 65lb/min. I went with the larger 8cm Turbine housing. The installation was a royal PITA... but it was worth it in the end.
I ended up breaking two ringlands at the end of the 2007 season. I attribute the damage as follows: 10% to my in-experience in tuning turbocharged engines. I probably got a bit aggressive in the timing and lean AFR a little bit. 90% of the failure is attributed to the fact that my K&N intake clamps failed twice during full force 1/4 mile drag passes. This caused a dangerously lean condition (and super hot combustion temp's).
I had the engine rebuilt by RAW Performance (formally Axis) during the winter months of 2007. I broke in the RAW engine using the stock turbo. I tried to get some power using the stock turbo but with the large cam's (link to RAW engine rebuild detail) I could not get it to work.
After the install, I insured all connections were OK then I let it have it using one of my own home brew tunes (dropped timing a bit from what I was getting with stock turbo).
Note about tuning: After I broke the ringlands, I decided to ask for help tuning the new RAW engine. I hired Ed at EQ tuning to help me out.
Ed provided me with the initial base map (ROM) and a very nice StreetTUNER real time map for the stock turbo. I worked with Ed to fine tune the maps with the stock turbo but we could not achieve much power with the stock turbo due to the large cams.
When I upgraded to the FP Red, I used information from Shawn (Overdose), Ed and Jeff (Crystal Imprezav) to create my own 93 octane maps (ROM and StreetTUNER)
The result is shown below (Thanks to Ed's Road Dyno)
After some fine tuning, I was able to achieve the following result (Thanks to Ed's Road Dyno)
The tune is solid for a 4th gear Dyno pull but I am struggling to hold the tune during flat foot shifting. I am concerned that the stock knock sensor is hearing valvetrain and forged piston noise and thinking it is knock thus pulling timing. I am working to correct this problem...
Click here for video of my 7/04/2008 easy launch, 12.29 @ 115 MPH pass on 93 octane fuel...